Monday, May 31, 2010

Pelvic Floor Movements Better then Kegal exercises!

Want a healthy pelvis? Willing to try a few small moves to change the pelvic floor muscles?

Most people do not realize the amount of muscles that are attached to the tail bone. Sometimes a tight tailbone will cause incontinence. Let us focus on three small movements you can do with your tail that will make some interesting changes in your body!

For all these exercises you can think in your imagination or physically do them. They will be small and possibly not even be felt or noticed to begin with.

1. go to the part of your body at the end of the spine, the tailbone. Imagine or do move it closer to your pubic bone and further away. Do this 20 or 30 times per day.
2. this time think or move your tail like a dog waging his tail side to side. It will be small or not at all to begin with.
3. think of your tail and make a circle with you tail. Go 20 times around one way and switch directions.

Just try and see how this can change your pelvic floor to allow for more movement.
Karen Toth

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Feet First!

Good Morning!

Today is bright and sunny, the Sunday of the May long weekend. I am in the mood to write before I head out the door to walk!

I just listened to Randy Pausch Last Lecture again! What an inspiration he is to me. I am so blessed that I do have good mentors and friends in my life, always getting me to raise the bar in how I think, feel and move!

I was just reading a post on how we need to be more deverse in how we think about the environment and some of the natural disasters that are happening. There is a larger plan, a plan that is beyond human knowledge, but can bring countries and peoples together to help others in need. It was a spiritual message from a small interview from the Dalia Lama! Honest, truthful and transparent! These are ways to reduce human created problems. Honesty, truthfullness and transparency what a beautiful way to live!

So about getting your "feet first"! When you wake up in the morning how do your feet feel? Are they awake, sleeping, numb, tingling? When you first step out of your bed onto your feet, do you even notice them.
What if you started to gently touch your toes with your hands, touch your big toe feel how it moves side to side, gently twist it to see how it twists right and left, as you twist your big toe, lengthen it a bit! Just notice how much more awareness you have of this toe now!
Repeat with the next toe, slowly, gently and with attention. Do the same on the other foot, notice any small differences from one foot or toe to the other.

Now get up, walk around and notice your feet! You may even notice your legs, hips, back, neck and shoulder in a different way!

You can repeat this every day if you like!

Have a wonderful day!
Karen Toth