Saturday, January 22, 2011

58 Day Challenge to Better Health!

Long time since I have posted here.

Lots going on and looking forward to new discoveries of 2011. Building new friendships and relationships with others.

A few things:

If you are interested in more information or joining a 58 day challenge to better health follow this link - You may pick the next 58 days to start!

I am hosting a Workshop on Healthy Feet January 29th, still a few spaces available! To learn more about it or join follow this link

A friend of mine is involed with a Great Health Debate February 6th. For more information follow this link:

I would like to share with you 3 things I am grateful for this week!

1. That I have a wonderful family and friends to keep me inspired and excited about being a part of their lives. This includes my youngest son whom just started College this week. Will be very interesting to see how he starts to develop and grow from this experience.

2. That my health has been good through this year even though many have been very ill with whatever illnesses are around. I believe eating mostly raw, adding oil of oregano and green smoothies to my daily regime has been most helpful.

3. All the wonderful emails I get from those that study food and nutition. Like Kevin Gianni and David Wolfe. They keep me learning and sharing what I learn with others. I love making my raw chocolate and sharing the ideas of recipes with others.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Karen Toth

P.S. I noticed most newsletters were not open, so I will post articles and activities here on this blog site. Please make yourself a member and receive updates as they happen.

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