Thursday, July 8, 2010

Does doing Feldenkrais compliment other modalities?

Feldenkrais can be used with many other modalities. It creates more awareness in the way you move and think.

For example when I first started my Feldenkrais training, I had to reduce the amount of weights I would lift. Over time I was able to pick up a weight that was more then I was used to lifting without effort. When my ankles started moving better I could jump with no stress or strain on my knees.

If you are doing other modalities to reduce pain such as massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, physiotherapy it is best to do the other methods first followed by the Feldenkrais Method.

The Feldenkrais Method is done with slow, small, non-evasive movements. There is usually no pain attached to these movements as the movements are done in a way that works with your body, not against it. You start where you are at and find other ways to get to where you want to go.

There may be pain after the lesson, however it is short-lived and usually the next day you can move much better then before seeing a Feldenkrais Practitioner.

You will also find you can run, golf, ski, sleep, walk, move in yoga, pilates better. Awareness Through Movement or Functional Integration Lessons will give you better balance as well.

Those that notice the small changes will be the ones that benefit the most.

Karen Toth

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